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神州宣教 >> 牧师教导 >> 「以上帝為中心的信仰與教會」系列之一以上帝為中心的福音﹕作基督徒的意義 2
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林慈信:      「以上帝為中心的信仰與教會」系列之一以上帝為中心的福音﹕作基督徒的意義 2


“A God-Centered Faith and Church,” part 1


A God-Centered Gospel: What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

以上帝為中心?我們的信仰直接影響我們的生活。 God-centered? We are what we believe.

I. 救恩出自耶和華﹕三一上帝是我們的救主

Salvation For Us: The Triune God is our Savior

1. 父神揀選我們,在基督裏﹕在創造世界以前(弗1﹕3-6)

The Father chose us, in Christ: before the creation of the world (Eph. 1:3-6)

2. 聖子救贖我們﹕潔淨我們;更啟示上帝的旨意(弗1﹕7-12)

The Son redeemed us: cleansed us; and revealed God’s will (Eph. 1:7-12)

3. 上帝的旨意是什麼?天上地下一切都在基督裏歸一﹕耶穌是宇宙的主

What is God’s will: that everything in heaven and on earth be one in Christ: simply put: Jesus in Lord; Jesus rules as king over universe

4. 聖靈作我們得救(得產業)的印證(弗1﹕13-14;參羅8﹕13-16)

The Holy becomes the “seal” (guarantee) of our salvation/inheritance

(Eph. 1:13-14; cf. Rom. 8:13-16)

II. 人得救﹕上帝親自改變我們 Salvation to Us: God Transforms Us

1. 上帝怎樣改變我們?從死入生;徹底改變(弗1﹕2-6)

How does God transform us? Thoroughly: from death to lie (Eph. 2:1-6)

2. 這一切都是出於上帝的恩典﹕甚至我們的信心都是恩賜(弗2﹕8-9)

All of this is out of God’s grace: even our faith is a gift (Eph. 2:8-9)

3. 人什麼都不用作?不!我們蒙召,要以善行榮耀祂。(弗2﹕10)

Man does nothing? No! Called to good works to his glory. (Eph. 2:10)

4. 生命、宇宙、救恩的目標﹕榮耀恩典得著稱讚(弗1:6, 12, 14; 羅11: 33-36)

Our life’s goal, the goal of the history of the universe, the goal of salvation, is that God’s glorious grace be praised. (Eph. 1: 6, 12, 14; Rom. 11:33-36)

III. 重生的意義(約3:1-8) Salvation In Us: Meaning of Regeneration (John 3:1-8)

1. 從上頭重生﹕上帝的工作 Born from above: It is God’s work.

2. 從水而重生﹕不是指洗禮,乃是聖靈潔淨我們(約3﹕3,5,8)

Born of water: The Holy Spirit cleanses us (not baptism) (John 3:3, 5, 8)

3. 從靈而重生﹕聖靈賜我們新靈,更住在新靈裏(約3﹕3,5,8)

Born of the Spirit: Holy Spirit gives us new heart/spirit, lives in it (3:3,5,8)

4. 這是新舊約聖經一致的教導(參﹕多3﹕4-7,結36﹕25-27)

This is the consistent teaching of OT, NT (Titus 3:4-7, Ezek. 36:325-27)

IV. 我們的回應﹕悔改的意義 Our Response: Repentnace

V. 我們的回應﹕信心的意義 Our Response: Faith

VI. 一次得救,永遠得救?得救的確據 Once Saved Always Saved: Assurance

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编辑录入:     Bo
文章来源:     林慈信
录入时间:     2/15/2006 5:27:00 PM

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