A God-Centered Faith What Does It Mean to Become a Christian?
温习Review: I. 救恩出自耶和华:三一上帝是我们的救主 Salvation For Us: The Triune God is our Savior
1. 父神拣选我们,在基督里,在创造世界以前(弗1:3-6)。
The Father chose us, in Christ, before the creation of the world (Eph. 1:3-6)
Challenge: I am not in control of my destiny: attack on my self-sufficiency, my autonomy.
God says: He is the one in control of our destiny. Come and worship him!
2. 圣子救赎我们:洁净我们;更启示上帝的旨意(弗1:7-12)
The Son redeemed us: cleansed us; and revealed God’s will (Eph. 1:7-12)
Jesus didn’t just give us the possibility of getting saved. He SAVED us.
God’s will: that Jesus rules as king over universe.
3. 圣灵作我们得救(得产业)的印证(弗1:13-14;参罗8:13-16)
The Holy becomes the “seal” (guarantee) of our inheritance (Eph. 1:13-14; cf. Rom. 8:13-16).
God’s pledge, or “earnest”: the Holy Spirit is the “down payment”, he is heaven’s “sneak preview.”
4. 圣父,圣子,圣灵所作的一切,都是要叫祂荣耀的恩典得著称赞。(弗1:6, 12, 14。)
The Father, the Son and the Spirit did all this, that his glorious grace be praised (Eph. 1: 6, 12, 14).
God loves us very much. But he loves his own glory more than he loves anyone or anything.
A God-centered gospel is the gospel proclaimed in the Bible. Adjust our thinking -> God-centered.
II. 重生的意义(约3:1-8) Salvation In Us: Meaning of Regeneration (John 3:1-8)
1. 重生=从上头而生:上帝的工作 (8)。“Born from above”: It’s God’s work (v. 8).
2. 从水而生:不是指洗礼,乃是圣灵(彻底)洁净我们(约3:5)。
Born of water: The Holy Spirit cleanses us (not baptism) thoroughly (3:5)
3. 从灵而生:圣灵赐我们新灵,住在新的灵(人性)里(约3:3,5,8)。
Born of the Spirit: Holy Spirit gives us new heart/spirit/nature, and lives in it (3:5)
4. 这是新旧约圣经一致的教导(多3:4-7,结36:25-27)。
This is the consistent teaching of OT, NT (Titus 3:4-7, Ezek. 36:325-27)。
** 我们属灵的胃口开了没有?Do we have a spiritual appetite?
III. 我们的回应:悔改的意义 Our Response: Repentance
1. 悔改:福音的一部分(可1:14-15,太5:3-4,路24:44-47),勿忽略!
Repentance is part of the gospel, don’t neglect it (Mk. 1:14, Mt. 5:3-4, Lk. 24:44-47)
2. 假悔改->死亡。 (林后7:10) False repentance-> death. (II Cor. 7:10)
3. 真悔改:回转归向上帝(赛55:6-7)True repentance: turn to God (Is. 55:6-7)
4. 真悔改的三步骤:承认;忧伤/恨恶罪;回转归向十字架,领受赦罪之恩。
3 steps in true repentance: confess, sorrow/hate sin, turn to cross for forgiveness.
5. 悔改的果子;向上帝透明,在人面前透明。
The fruit of repentance: transparency before God, transparency before people.
** 你是这样信主,成为一个基督徒的吗?Is this how you became a Christian?
预告 Preview: IV. 我们的回应:信心的意义 Our Response: Faith
V. 一次得救,永远得救?基督徒得救的确据 Once Saved Always Saved: Assurance of Salvation
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2/16/2006 10:56:00 AM